Nercon Conveyor Logo

One More Way We Are Always Moving

October 04, 2016

Nercon Production FacilityThe drive to eliminate non-value-added processes has obvious benefits. Preventing a defect is more efficient than finding and fixing it. More reliable processes lead to less partially finished goods waiting for completion and reduced space requirements. As wasteful production is eliminated, the time to manufacture a product is reduced. The bottom-line is that customers receive a better product, at lower cost and in less time.

At its root, Lean Manufacturing is about remaining competitive in a rapidly changing market. In order for Nercon to stay on top as a conveyor leader, we must constantly find ways to make our products cost-competitive while maintaining high construction standards, and we are doing just that.

Our Oconto, WI production facility has been and will continue to become a Lean operation. We have rearranged and relocated production stations to better utilize our space and improve workflow. We are continually working to drive all purchased and manufactured parts to assembly carts which has greatly reduced wasted labor time, and we have eliminated wasted time working on stock parts that are not being used on current projects. All this enables us to build jobs without down time.

For Nercon, Lean Manufacturing is a business philosophy, which has proven to be successful. We believe that every Nercon customer is seeing the differences in every conveyor we produce and we know that our customers will benefit from Lean Manufacturing advantages, both in the time and dollars added back to their bottom-line.

To learn more about Nercon, visit our website at

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Neenah, WI 54956
920-233-3159 Fax