E-Stops: Standard Practice on Conveyor Packaging Lines
March 08, 2012
Human operated E-stops are used to stop conveyors and equipment due to jams or safety emergencies.
This cable e-stop is utilized on packaging conveyor lines, where floor workers are available to monitor production. The cable is tensioned with a spring, and can span great lengths of conveyors. In the event of a jam, a nearby operator need only pull the cable to stop the conveyor.
The benefit of a cable e-stop is to reduce the quantity of e-stop actuators required for packaging lines. This reduces controls hardware costs because fewer e-stop actuators are required when cables are used on the conveyor line.
On lines that are not monitored regularly by plant personnel, automated e-stop devices can be used or a different controls scheme can be used for highly automated packaging conveyor lines.
For more information about controls and line integration, click below to access the white paper, “How to Plan for Line Integration."